Introduction to Visualisations in Galaxy
Visualizations are vital for the interpretation of large datasets. Galaxy has numerous visualization options available.
What is Data Visualisation?
- Making graphics to clearly convey data
- Many different options
- More than just scatter plots and bar charts
- Many domain-specific
- Protein folding, network graphs, trees, genome browsers
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Why visualizations?
A picture is worth 1000 words
Anscombe’s Quartet. All these datasets share the same basic statistics: same mean, standard deviation and correlation, yet when visualizing them it is revealed they have vastly different structures.
X mean: 54.26, X SD: 16.76
Y mean: 47.83, Y SD: 26.93
Correlation: -0.06
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Data Visualisation in Galaxy
Genome Browsers
- Visualize the genome
- mapped sequence reads, variants, genes, ..
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Genome Browsers in Galaxy
- As display applications
- e.g. UCSC browser, IBV, IGB, ..
- accessed via links on dataset
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is not a display application like the previous examples
- Genome browser as a regular tool
- Configure your settings
- Then interactively explore your genome
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Galaxy Charts
- Accessed through Charts icon on dataset
- Different options depending on datatype
- After selecting chart type, can customize settings
- Example: Protein Viewer
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- Many tools for visualisation
- Example: Circos for circular data plots
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