Quality Control

How to perform quality control of NGS raw data? What are the quality parameters to check for a dataset? How to improve the quality of a dataset?

  • Sequence quality control is therefore an essential first step in analysis.
  • It is necessary to understand, identify and exclude error-types that may impact the interpretation of downstream analysis.
  • Catching errors early saves time later on.

Inspect a raw sequence file

  1. Create a new history for this tutorial and give it a proper name
  2. Import the file: a microbiome sample from a snake
  3. Rename the imported dataset to Reads.
  4. Inspect the FASTQ file by clicking on the

Each read, representing a fragment of the library, is encoded by 4 lines:

  1. Always begins with @ followed by the information about the read
  2. The actual nucleic sequence
  3. Always begins with a + and contains sometimes the same info in line 1
  4. Has a string of characters which represent the quality scores associated with each base of the nucleic sequence; must have the same number of characters as line 2

So for example, the first sequence in our file is:

@M00970:337:000000000-BR5KF:1:1102:17745:1557 1:N:0:CGCAGAAC+ACAGAGTT

It means that the fragment named @M00970 corresponds to the DNA sequence


And this sequence has been sequenced with a quality


The quality score for each sequence is a string of characters, one for each base of the nucleic sequence, used to characterize the probability of mis-identification of each base. The score is encoded using the ASCII character table

So there is an ASCII character associated with each nucleotide, representing its Phred quality score, the probability of an incorrect base call:


  1. Which ASCII character corresponds to the worst Phred score for Illumina 1.8+?
  2. What is the Phred quality score of the 3rd nucleotide of the 1st sequence?
  3. What is the accuracy of this 3rd nucleotide?

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Assess quality with FASTQE

FASTQE is an open-source tool that provides a simple and fun way to quality control raw sequence data and print them as emoji. You can use it to give a quick impression of whether your data has any problems of which you should be aware before doing any further analysis.

  1. FASTQE Tool with the following parameters
    • FastQ data: Reads
    • Score types to show: Mean
  2. Inspect the generated HTML file

Phred Score     ASCII code      Emoji

0               !               ๐Ÿšซ
1               "               โŒ
2               #               ๐Ÿ‘บ
3               $               ๐Ÿ’”
4               %               ๐Ÿ™…
5               &               ๐Ÿ‘พ
6               '               ๐Ÿ‘ฟ
7               (               ๐Ÿ’€
8               )               ๐Ÿ‘ป
9               *               ๐Ÿ™ˆ
10              +               ๐Ÿ™‰
11              ,               ๐Ÿ™Š
12              -               ๐Ÿต
13              .               ๐Ÿ˜ฟ
14              /               ๐Ÿ˜พ
15              0               ๐Ÿ™€
16              1               ๐Ÿ’ฃ
17              2               ๐Ÿ”ฅ
18              3               ๐Ÿ˜ก
19              4               ๐Ÿ’ฉ
20              5               โš ๏ธ
21              6               ๐Ÿ˜€
22              7               ๐Ÿ˜…
23              8               ๐Ÿ˜
24              9               ๐Ÿ˜Š
25              :               ๐Ÿ˜™
26              ;               ๐Ÿ˜—
27              <               ๐Ÿ˜š
28              =               ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
29              >               ๐Ÿ˜˜
30              ?               ๐Ÿ˜†
31              @               ๐Ÿ˜„
32              A               ๐Ÿ˜‹
33              B               ๐Ÿ˜„
34              C               ๐Ÿ˜
35              D               ๐Ÿ˜›
36              E               ๐Ÿ˜œ
37              F               ๐Ÿ˜‰
38              G               ๐Ÿ˜
39              H               ๐Ÿ˜„
40              I               ๐Ÿ˜Ž
41              J               ๐Ÿ˜

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Binned scale

Scores can also be binned:

  1. FASTQE Tool with the following parameters
    • FastQ data: Reads
    • Score types to show: Mean
    • Bin Scores: Yes
  2. Inspect the generated HTML file

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Assess quality with FastQC (short & long reads)

FastQC provides a modular set of analyses which you can use to check whether your data has any problems of which you should be aware before doing any further analysis. We can use it, for example, to assess whether there are known adapters present in the data.

  1. FastQC Tool with the following parameters
    • Raw read data from your current history: Reads
  2. Inspect the generated HTML file

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Per base sequence quality

With FastQC we can use the per base sequence quality plot to check the base quality of the reads, similar to what we did with FASTQE.

On the x-axis are the base position in the read. In this example, the sample contains reads that are up to 296 bp long.

NB: The x-axis is not always uniform. When you have long reads, some binning is applied to keep things compact. We can see that in our sample. It starts out with individual 1-10 bases. After that, bases are binned across a window a certain number of bases wide

For each position, a boxplot is drawn with:

  • the median value, represented by the central red line
  • the inter-quartile range (25-75%), represented by the yellow box
  • the 10% and 90% values in the upper and lower whiskers
  • the mean quality, represented by the blue line

When the median quality is below a Phred score of ~20, we should consider trimming away bad quality bases from the sequence. We will explain that process in the Trim and filter section

The y-axis shows the quality scores. The higher the score, the better the base call. The background of the graph divides the y-axis into:

  • very good quality scores
  • scores of reasonable quality
  • reads of poor quality

NB: t is normal with all Illumina sequencers for the median quality score to start out lower over the first 5-7 bases and to then rise. The quality of reads on most platforms will drop at the end of the read. This is often due to signal decay or phasing during the sequencing run. The recent developments in chemistry applied to sequencing has improved this somewhat, but reads are now longer than ever.

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The following sections go into detail about some of the other plots generated by FastQC. Note that some plots/modules may give warnings but be normal for the type of data youโ€™re working with, as discussed below and here

These sections are optional, and if you would like to skip these you can jump into Trim and filter section

Per tile sequence quality

This plot enables you to look at the quality scores from each tile across all of your bases to see if there was a loss in quality associated with only one part of the flowcell. The plot shows the deviation from the average quality for each flowcell tile. The hotter colours indicate that reads in the given tile have worse qualities for that position than reads in other tiles.

With this sample, you can see that certain tiles show consistently poor quality, especially from ~100bp onwards. A good plot should be blue all over.

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Per sequence quality scores

It plots the average quality score over the full length of all reads on the x-axis and gives the total number of reads with this score on the y-axis:

The distribution of average read quality should be tight peak in the upper range of the plot.

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Per base sequence content

It plots the percentage of each of the four nucleotides (T, C, A, G) at each position across all reads in the input sequence file. As for the per base sequence quality, the x-axis is non-uniform.

In a random library we would expect that there would be little to no difference between the four bases. The proportion of each of the four bases should remain relatively constant over the length of the read with %A=%T and %G=%C, and the lines in this plot should run parallel with each other. This is amplicon data, where 16S DNA is PCR amplified and sequenced, so weโ€™d expect this plot to have some bias and not show a random distribution.

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Per sequence GC content

The plot displays the number of reads vs. percentage of bases G and C per read. It is compared to a theoretical distribution assuming an uniform GC content for all reads, expected for whole genome shotgun sequencing, where the central peak corresponds to the overall GC content of the underlying genome.

An unusually-shaped distribution could indicate a contaminated library or some other kind of biased subset. A shifted normal distribution indicates some systematic bias, which is independent of base position.

But there are also other situations in which an unusually-shaped distribution may occur. For example, it may be normal if it is amplicon data or you have highly abundant RNA-seq transcripts.

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Per base N content

If a sequencer is unable to make a base call with sufficient confidence, it will write an โ€œNโ€ instead of a conventional base call. This plot displays the percentage of base calls at each position or bin for which an N was called.

Itโ€™s not unusual to see a very high proportion of Ns appearing in a sequence, especially near the end of a sequence. But this curve should never rises noticeably above zero. If it does this indicates a problem occurred during the sequencing run

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Sequence length distribution

  • The plot shows the distribution of fragment sizes in the file which was analysed.
  • In many cases this will produce a simple plot showing a peak only at one size, but for variable length FASTQ files this will show the relative amounts of each different size of sequence fragment

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Sequence Duplication Levels

There are two lines on the plot:

  • distribution of the duplication levels for the full sequence set
  • distribution for the de-duplicated sequences with the proportions of the deduplicated set which come from different duplication levels in the original data.

For whole genome shotgun data it is expected that nearly 100% of your reads will be unique (appearing only 1 time in the sequence data).

Two sources of duplicate reads can be found:

  • PCR duplication in which library fragments have been over-represented due to biased PCR enrichment
  • Truly over-represented sequences such as very abundant transcripts in an RNA-Seq library or in amplicon data (like this sample)

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Over-represented sequences

  • A normal high-throughput library will contain a diverse set of sequences, with no individual sequence making up a tiny fraction of the whole.
  • Finding that a single sequence is very over-represented in the set either means that it is highly biologically significant, or indicates that the library is contaminated, or not as diverse as expected.

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Adapter Content

  • The plot shows the cumulative percentage of reads with the different adapter sequences at each position.
  • Once an adapter sequence is seen in a read it is counted as being present right through to the end of the read so the percentage increases with the read length.
  • FastQC can detect some adapters by default (e.g. Illumina, Nextera), for others we could provide a contaminants file as an input to the FastQC tool.

  • We can see Nextera dapater has been detected. We can run an trimming tool such as Cutadapt to remove this adapter. We will explain that process in the Trim and filter section

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Specific problem for alternates library types

Small/micro RNA

In small RNA libraries, we typically have a relatively small set of unique, short sequences. Small RNA libraries are not randomly sheared before adding sequencing adapters to their ends: all the reads for specific classes of microRNAs will be identical. It will result in:

  • Extremely biased per base sequence content
  • Extremely narrow distribution of GC content
  • Very high sequence duplication levels
  • Abundance of overrepresented sequences
  • Read-through into adapters

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Amplicon libraries are prepared by PCR amplification of a specific target. For example, the V4 hypervariable region of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene. All reads from this type of library are expected to be nearly identical. It will result in:

  • Extremely biased per base sequence content
  • Extremely narrow distribution of GC content
  • Very high sequence duplication levels
  • Abundance of overrepresented sequences

Bisulfite or Methylation sequencing

With Bisulfite or methylation sequencing, the majority of the cytosine (C) bases are converted to thymine (T). It will result in:

  • Biased per base sequence content
  • Biased per sequence GC content

Adapter dimer contamination

Any library type may contain a very small percentage of adapter dimer (i.e. no insert) fragments. They are more likely to be found in amplicon libraries constructed entirely by PCR (by formation of PCR primer-dimers) than in DNA-Seq or RNA-Seq libraries constructed by adapter ligation.

If a sufficient fraction of the library is adapter dimer it will become noticeable in the FastQC report:

  • Drop in per base sequence quality after base 60
  • Possible bi-modal distribution of per sequence quality scores
  • Distinct pattern observed in per bases sequence content up to base 60
  • Spike in per sequence GC content
  • Overrepresented sequence matching adapter
  • Adapter content > 0% starting at base 1

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Summarize data with MultiQC

MultiQC aggregates results from bioinformatics analyses across many samples into a single report. It takes results of multiple analyses and creates a report that can be viewed as a single beautiful web-page. Itโ€™s a general use tool, perfect for summarizing the output from numerous bioinformatics tools.

  1. MultiQC with the following parameters:
    • In โ€œResultsโ€:
      • Insert Results
        • Which tool was used generate logs?: FastQC
        • *In โ€œFastQC Outputโ€:
          • Type of FastQC output?: Raw Read
          • FastQC Output: RawData
    • Report title: IZS3 Quality Control

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Trim and filter

The quality drops in the middle of these sequences. This could cause bias in downstream analyses with these potentially incorrectly called nucleotides. Sequences must be treated to reduce bias in downstream analysis. Trimming can help to increase the number of reads the aligner or assembler are able to succesfully use, reducing the number of reads that are unmapped or unassembled.

In general, quality treatments include:

  1. Trimming/cutting/masking sequences
    • from low quality score regions
    • beginning/end of sequence
    • removing adapters
  2. Filtering of sequences
    • with low mean quality score
    • too short
    • with too many ambiguous (N) bases

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Cutadapt (Remove adapter sequences from FASTQ/FASTA)

Cutadapt is a tool that enhances sequence quality by automating adapter trimming as well as quality control.

  • Trim low-quality bases from the ends. Quality trimming is done before any adapter trimming. We will set the quality threshold as 20, a commonly used threshold, see more here.
  • Trim adapter. For that we need to supply the sequence of the adapter. In this sample, Nextera is the adapter that was detected. We can find the sequence of the Nextera adapter on the Illumina website here CTGTCTCTTATACACATCT. We will trim that sequence from the 3โ€™ end of the reads.
  • Filter out sequences with length < 20 after trimming
  1. Cutadapt Tool with the following parameters:
    • Single-end or Paired-end reads?: Single-end
      • Reads in FASTQ format: Reads (Input dataset)
    • In Read 1 Options:
      • Insert 3โ€™ (End) Adapters:
        • Source: Enter custom sequence
        • Enter custom 3โ€™ adapter sequence: CTGTCTCTTATACACATCT
    • In Filter Options
      • Minimum length: 20
    • In Read Modification Options
      • Quality cutoff: 20
    • Outputs selector: Report
  2. Inspect the generated txt file


    • What % reads contain adapter?
    • What % reads have been trimmed because of bad quality?
    • What % reads have been removed because they were too short?
  3. FastQC Tool with the following parameters
    • Raw read data from your current history: Cutadapt Reads
  4. Inspect the generated HTML file
  5. MultiQC with the following parameters:
    • In โ€œResultsโ€:
      • Insert Results
        • Which tool was used generate logs?: FastQC
        • *In โ€œFastQC Outputโ€:
          • Type of FastQC output?: Raw Read
          • FastQC Output: RawData (from Reads FastQC)
      • Insert Results
        • Which tool was used generate logs?: FastQC
        • *In โ€œFastQC Outputโ€:
          • Type of FastQC output?: Raw Read
          • FastQC Output: RawData (from Cutadapt FastQC)
      • Insert Results
        • Which tool was used generate logs?: Cutadapt/TrimGalore!
        • Output of Cutadapt: Cutadapt report
    • Report title: After Cutadapt
  6. Inspect the generated HTML file

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Trim Galore! (Quality and adapter trimmer of reads)

Trim Galore! is a wrapper script to automate quality and adapter trimming as well as quality control, with some added functionality to remove biased methylation positions for RRBS sequence files (for directional, non-directional (or paired-end) sequencing).

  1. TrimGalore! with the following parameters:
    • Is this library paired- or single-end?: Single-end
    • Reads in FASTQ format: Reads
    • Advanced settings: Full parameter list
      • Trim low-quality ends from reads in addition to adapter removal (Enter phred quality score threshold): 20
      • Generate a report file: yes
  2. FastQC Tool with the following parameters
    • Raw read data from your current history: TrimGalore! Reads
  3. MultiQC with the following parameters:
    • In โ€œResultsโ€:
      • Insert Results
        • Which tool was used generate logs?: FastQC
        • *In โ€œFastQC Outputโ€:
          • Type of FastQC output?: Raw Read
          • FastQC Output: RawData (from Reads FastQC)
      • Insert Results
        • Which tool was used generate logs?: FastQC
        • *In โ€œFastQC Outputโ€:
          • Type of FastQC output?: Raw Read
          • FastQC Output: RawData (from Cutadapt FastQC)
      • Insert Results
        • Which tool was used generate logs?: FastQC
        • *In โ€œFastQC Outputโ€:
          • Type of FastQC output?: Raw Read
          • FastQC Output: RawData (from TrimGalore! FastQC)
      • Insert Results
        • Which tool was used generate logs?: Cutadapt/TrimGalore!
        • Output of Cutadapt: Cutadapt report
      • Insert Results
        • Which tool was used generate logs?: Cutadapt/TrimGalore!
        • Output of Cutadapt: TrimGalore! report
    • Report title: After TrimGalore!

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In this tutorial we checked the quality of FASTQ files to ensure that their data looks good before inferring any further information. This step is the usual first step for analyses on NGS data.

  • Perform quality control on every dataset before running any other bioinformatics analysis
  • Assess the quality metrics and improve quality if necessary
  • Check the impact of the quality control
  • Different tools are available to provide additional quality metrics
  • For paired-end reads analyze the forward and reverse reads together
  • Multiples datasets (single or paired-end) can be grouped in collection

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Now, itโ€™s your turn! Check the quality and trim reads from the data imported from SRA in the previous lecture

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